May 3, 2015 BY Yuchong Li
This delta robot is based on my open source project Akarin servo. All the inverse kinematics is calculated in realtime by the individual servo drives. The servo drives are interfaced with a raspberry pi as the graphical interface. The camera finds the coordinates of the quarters, these coordinates are then send to the servo drives, which generate motion trajectory and calculate the inverse kinematics all in realtime.
Dec. 5, 2016 BY Yuchong Li
AKARIN servo is an open source AC servo solution. It provides high performance torque servo, velocity servo and position servo, with an integrated motion trajectory generator. It is implemented based on Analog Devices' floating point DSP.
Multiple AKARIN servo drives can be daisy-chained together to form a motion control array, which can achieve high precision synchronized multi-axis motion control. It is ideal for CNC machines, robotic arms and other applications that require high performance AC servo motion control.
The AKARIN servo provides a simple Modbus-RTU interface over RS-485 for real-time commands and a custom protocol for setting up and tuning.
Mar. 23, 2016 BY Yuchong Li
In most servo motor control applications, the rotor angle and rotor angular velocity are the most important information require to achieve a decent control. However the angular velocity is difficult to obtain. Kalman filters are great for doing such things.
FEBRUARY 6, 2016 BY Yuchong Li
This development board provides a minimal platform for the evaluation and development of the ADSP-2147x series floating-point DSP. It contains all necessary circuits for booting the DSP, in addition to a 16Mb SPI flash and JTAG interface. All DAI and DPI pins are exported using a 1.27mm pitch header.
By using SPORT on Blackfin DSPs, we can implement a high performance full-duplex UART. The flexibility of SPORT and DMA minimizes the overhead. EXTRACT and DEPOSIT instructions are used on Blackfin DSPs to provide optimal performance.
CyanRTOS is an realtime operating system intended for control and compute intensive applications. It was originally developed as one of my spare time projects in 2013, on a X86 machine. It was then ported to Blackfin DSPs in 2015.
基于地球重力模型(Earth Gravitational Model) 进行一系列解算, 包括大地水准面差距(Geoid Height) 解算以及重力加速度异常解算.
最后, 针对 EGM2008, 我会给出这些算法的鲁棒解及其 C 语言实现.
February 21, 2014 BY YUCHONG LI
Like the great tree.h and queue.h, BSD-style data structures in C are always handy.
The is a simple, high performance and portable implementation of vector in C implemented using macro. It supports arbitrary type of element.